
Rise & Shine!Rise & Shine!

4 am this morning my alarm went off. I decided last night that my priority wasn’t the football game, but my health, my growth. This morning I got up at 4 am to go to a boot camp class. At the end of the boot camp class, they had a free trainer led workout, which I also did, on a whim.

I decided to make Monday morning a day for change, 1 action that started momentum in my day and my week as a whole. Take #motivationmonday and act on it.

This weekend I was listening to the Tony Robbins podcast and something caught my attention. That physical fitness and well-being could boost your mental performance. It’s still morning and I feel more motivated and accomplished than I have in weeks.

I challenge you go to bed early on Sunday and get up on Monday morning and take the day head on. Wake up early and get something important done. Challenge yourself to be better. Who knows you whole week could change for the better. You could have more energy for the day, feel motivated and get more done, I know I did today.

Leave a comment below what change you made today!

Listening to the haters

I went to a book store several months ago and heard something that was jarring. A guy was talking to his friend and said in a defeated voice, “I don’t go a day without regretting something.”

How many of you have been there? I know I have. But why do we regret? I know it has sometimes been that we are scared to take the next step, so we don’t.

Sometimes we are so outside of our comfort zone, that and growing so fast that I scares us. I know with the growth of my business, I have been scared!!! Not growing is safe! We can spend our entire lives not growing. Being scared means that it’s important to us.

We too often listen to our fears, the haters inside and outside. How can we avoid regret, how can we silence the haters?

  • Take an inventory of yourself & your past accomplishments/awards
  • Look at your KSAs (knowledge,skills, abilities) & how you can leverage them
  • Speak positively about yourself & have mantras to keep you going
  • Talk to your mentor about it

I have been struggling with internal naysayers lately, but with these 4 steps, I have been able to silence the naysayers and achieve things I never thought were possible! Get out there and grow this week!


Evolve Yourself!

If you can’t tell (with 2 blog posts in 2 weeks about the same game) I’m addicted to Pokémon Go. The other problem is that it ties in so well with personal growth. Last week we talked about Pokémon trainers, goals, and growth; this week I wanted to focus on the Pokémon themselves.

In Pokémon, the creatures start off as small docile creatures that are easy to catch. They might know 1 move like scratch, like Charmander.  As Charmander takes action, he gains experience points (gain experience). He learns new moves (Knowledge, skills & abilities). With enough experience he levels up (new job, goal reached). If he gains enough levels, he can evolve into a new Pokémon like Charizard.

Even Charizard can level up and learn new moves. I want you to be a level 100 Charizard!

It’s hard work, but it you wait for some trainer to come along and train you, you are going to do it at the trainer’s pace not yours. If you’re a Charmander right now, that’s ok. Start with step 1, the Grow Yourself Plan. Start leveling up now!

If you are a Charizard already, keep leveling up. Keep fighting the good fight, making yourself a stronger individual and stronger leader for your team.

No matter where you are in your life journey “…Be the very best, like no one ever was!” just like the Pokémon theme song.


Pokémon Go

As some of you know, Pokémon Go is a new augmented reality game, not unlike its predecessor Ingress.

It has been all over the news, my Facebook feed and my mind. I grew up with Pokémon. Part of this world and the tagline of the franchise is “Gotta catch em all!” This is a goal for all trainers, to fill their Pokédex, explore the world, and meet new people.

This is not unlike our own journey through life. In the spirit of Pokémon, let’s create our goal (catching them all and filling the Pokédex) for our lives.

Maybe you want to write a book, run a marathon, or organize a large family event. While we are doing that, like our Pokémon trainer counterparts, let’s fill our lives with rich experiences, while exploring the world and meeting new people.

Write it down, share it with you friends, family or mentor. Take the first step.

As Professor Oak, the Pokémon professor says, “Your very own… legend is about to unfold. A world of… dreams and adventures awaits!”




This past weekend I attended a local Toastmasters conference. I listened to many speakers, from authors to actors, doctors to professional speakers. One speaker used a quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. when talking about the courage to stretch oneself,

One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”

That resonated with me so much, I just knew that I had to tell everyone.

Knowledge can never be taken away from someone.

New ideas expand individuals and with it their horizons. Tracking our growth, and with it the expansion of our minds and ideas, is the single most important thing that we can do. Tell your story! Every experience that you undertake is an opportunity to grow. If we don’t, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes that we have made.

We should take the opportunity to grow every day. What will you do today?

brain pic

One day at a time

Growth is easy, if we do it one day at a time. What can we do today to grow? We should take 10 minutes. What can we do?

Growth is easy, if we do it one day at a time.

What can we do today to grow?

We should take 10 minutes.

What can we do?

  • Read a book
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Watch an informative YouTube video

We can learn in as little as 10 minutes a day and we retain information better than if we concentrate for hours.

Learning is a marathon, we need to start training today.